Friday, May 14, 2010

At the Airport

I am settled in at the airport-once again quite the ordeal. It continues to amaze me than almost ten years after 9-11 security can still run so inefficiently. Still I've found a seat next to an outlet and have nothing to do but wait for two more hours and finish the sandwich I brought from NY.
I carried my luggage (ok-rolled the biggest piece) and had the second biggest as my backpack-easily balanced on my hips, the half mile to the train this morning. A friend was on the train and helped me get the pile to work through the NYC subways. There is a column next to my space so I took over the area in front of the coat closet for my stuff and proceeded to be productive. Once again I got a lot of support which is definitely appreciated as I think these past few weeks I am more aware of my body than I've been in a long while and all sorts of things have decided to ache. I work with a lot of people who have run marathons, my best childhood friend is an Ironman (well Ironwoman) having formally earned that credential a couple years back, one coworker is presently running a 24 hour relay race. I do believe our bodies are capable of so much more than we put them though-guess I'm testing that theory for the rest of the month and I have a lot of people behind me on this so I want to make us all proud.


  1. Bon voyage! Have a wonderful trip!

  2. Of course you can do this! Wish I were there too. Can't wait to read the rest of your adventures. :)
