Coca-cola food of the Gods
Maybe the cuckoo bird we heard at the start should have provided a hint. We made it to Lake Ennerdale early this morning under a bright blue sky and started down a trail by a lake which looked right out of a Turner painting. The lake's beauty was beyond fantastic with mountains opposite us. Walking along the trail of roots and rocks-watch your feet now but don't forget to stop and look at the unbelievable view, it was possible to imagine Victorian or Edwardian tourists walking along a trail until they find a section of shoreline to sit and read or paint. This was typical Lake District and absolutely breathtaking.
Early on the trail, We heard a cuckoo bird-our guide said the first of Spring. If you have never heard a cuckoo bird before they sound exactly like the clock- except they don't stop at 12 or even 1200. They go on incessantly to the point when you think they might actually be telling you something.
The lake was lovely but eventually we turned onto a logging road. There are some very small-by US or Scottish standards, tree farms. Some seem to be owned by UPM, a Finnish company whose name I know from work. The logging road ran opposite a river which fed the lake and was long and hot -even as it gave us great views. It was also very hot and approaching noon. Looking ahead at what was clearly a mountainous cul de sac, we kept trying to guess which mountain we would need to summit to get to the valley on the other side. We finished at the remote Black Sail hostel, where the conversation turned to how the heck do you resupply a place so far from everyone else. There, tired from the walk and the heat, I had what may have been the best CocaCola of my life. I pulled it from my pack, having bought it yesterday to settle my tummy and shared with those who also thought it the best treat. We called it the food of the gods and I couldn't help contrasting our reaction with all the conversations about sugar soda being bad for you that are going on back home. Gosh that sure tasted good and gave me the energy to go up Grey's Knots-2287 foot where it felt like we were on a stair master pumped at a 10 incline the entire time. We plodded up behind out guide who at one point turned to wait for the end of our short line and then ran his way to the front. Amazingly impressive for +60.
At the top we stopped for Lunch, where I avoided English food and ate a couple breakfast bars. The view from the top went all the way back to the ocean-some 20 miles away and included three lakes. Amazing!
What goes up must come down and we began the long trek down. The trail was rough with rocks and I actually took four tumbles. By the fourth I was giggling hard and the guide accused me of having vodka in my luncheon water. I pointed out that I got the water bottle from him. Down at the bottom, just shy of Borrowdale, we stopped to watch farmers put two day old lambs into the fields with their moms for the first time. They wobbled and were so cute. Most were skittish but one came to the fence where I got pictures and a quick pet. It felt like a sweater.
So feet very sore, but happy. Staying at the Borrowdale Gate hotel where they haven't heard of wi-fi yet so posting will need to wait. Never mind the last sentence, figured out the one chair in the entire place which offers wifi.
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